Yes to the Gotthard reconstruction tunnel

sgv - usam

Enigma was commissioned by the sgv to create the online campaign for the vote on a second Gotthard tunnel.


The Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband sgv is Switzerland’s number one economic organization for SMEs. The sgv engaged Enigma to create the online strategy and a campaign for the vote on the second Gotthard tunnel.



Enigma presented its exclusive political campaign system to the sgv. It enabled the campaign creators to show the chosen message to the target group in the right phase of the campaign. The media mix of the online campaign consisted of an informative trilingual website, which could be continuously and dynamically adapted to the main events of the campaign, as well as emotional online advertising on all major social networks and Google.

A/B testing the arguments

The main political news and arguments of the sgv and the opponents were analyzed and broken down using a systematic approach. Enigma conceptually prepared every key argument to be promoted. The impact of these arguments was then tested geographically through A/B testing.

Atomic design

Enigma created a systematic approach for the campaign website known as «atomic design». The whole structure of such a website uses a modular design. The rhythm and storytelling were represented through factual and emotional elements in order to make quick adjustments possible. The whole system was summarized on a strategic design canvas and common rules for the construction of the site were established.


Enigma’s strength in creating online advertising lies not just in an effective methodology, but also in extremely precise targeting. Enigma’s online experts created customized targeting, which brought the advertising to the group of people that were relevant for reaching the majority in the vote.

The development of the campaign and public discussion showed that a greater effect could be achieved by focusing on engaging the target group. Strategically, therefore, engagement was prioritized instead of website visits. The vote was won by a 57% to a 43% majority.

The cost per mille could be decreased to CHF 1.20 making it unrivaled across all media channels. Some advertisements achieved a click-through-rate of over 14%.

During the kickoff of the campaign, Enigma explored how much emotion would be enough. An advertisement illustrating an accident happening in three stages was added and commented on by the newspaper “20 Minuten”. The proponents only had to react with more emotional online efforts for the massive mobilization of the opponents in the final stage. To achieve the desired effect, Enigma used a provocative «Grandma display». An ad with the text «Sorry grandma, your grandson died in the Gotthard tunnel because I didn’t vote YES on 28 February 2016,» polarized the public, which resulted in it being discussed both in the daily press and in the main edition of the news «Tagesschau». The media value that could be achieved offline amounted to CHF 145,000.



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